United States Index

American Tanks
Name Alternative Names Description Year and Type Stage
M1 Combat Car None Machine Gun Armed Calvary Tank Light Tank Production
M2 None Machine Gun Armed Light Tank Light Tank Production
M2A1 None Machine Gun Armed Light Tank 1935 Light Tank Production
M2A2 Mae West None Machine Gun Armed Twin-Turreted Light Tank 1935 Light Tank Production
M2A3 Mae West None Machine Gun Armed Twin-Turreted Light Tank 1938 Light Tank Production
M2A4 None 37mm Armed Light Tank 1939 Light Tank Production
M2 None 37mm armed medium tank Medium Tank Production
M3 Lee Lee, Grant I Early Lee Medium Tank Production
M3A1 Lee Lee II Lee Medium Tank Medium Tank Production
M3A2 Lee Lee III Lee Medium Tank Medium Tank Production
M3A3 Lee Lee IV, Lee V Lee Medium Tank Medium Tank Production
M3A4 Lee Lee VI Lee Medium Tank Medium Tank Production
M3A5 Lee Grant II Lee Medium Tank Medium Tank Production
M4 Sherman Sherman I Early Sherman Medium Tank Production
M4A1 Sherman Sherman II Sherman Variant Medium Tank Production
M4A1E4 Sherman M4A1(76)W M4A1 with 76mm M1 and Wet Storage Medium Tank Production
M4A1E6 Sherman None Post war Export Sherman Medium Tank Production
M4A1E8 Sherman M4A1(76)W HVSS M4A1E2 with HVSS suspension Medium Tank Production
M4A1E9 Sherman None M4A1 Remanufactured with more armor and 75mm M3 Medium Tank Production
M4A2 Sherman Sherman III Sherman Variant Medium Tank Production
M4A2E4 Sherman None M4A2 with torsion bar suspension Medium Tank Production
M4A2E8 Sherman M4A2(76)W HVSS M4A2 with 76mm M1 and HVSS suspension Medium Tank Production
M4A3 Sherman Sherman IV Late Sherman Medium Tank Production
M4A3E2 Sherman Sherman Jumbo (Post War) M4A3, Uparmored Medium Tank Production
M4A3E4 Sherman M4A3(76)W M4A3 with 76mm M1 and wet stowage Medium Tank Production
M4A3E8 Sherman M4A3(76)W HVSS, Sherman Easyeight M4A3E4 with HVSS suspension Medium Tank Production
M4A3E9 Sherman M4A3(105)W HVSS M4A3E8 Armored with 105mm M4 Medium Tank Production
M4A4 Sherman Sherman V Late Sherman Medium Tank Production
M4A5 Ram Unused American Designation of Canadian Ram tank Medium Tank Paper
M4A6 Sherman None Composite Configuration Sherman 1943 Medium Tank Prototype
M5 None 3 Inch Tank Destroyer Gun Motor Carriage Production
M6 T1E2 (prototype designation) 76mm armed heavy tank 1941 Heavy Tank Production
M6A1 T1E3 (prototype designation) 76mm armed heavy tank 1942 Heavy Tank Production
M6A2E1 None 105mm Armed tank with prototype T29 heavy tank turret 1944 Heavy Tank Prototype
M7 Priest None 105mm Self Propelled Gun Based on M3 Chassis 1942 Self Propelled Gun Production
M7B1 Priest None 105mm Self Propelled Gun Based on M4A3 Chassis 1944 Self Propelled Gun Production
M7B2 Priest None 105mm Self Propelled Gun Based on M4A3 Chassis, better elevation Self Propelled Gun Production
M8 Armored Gun System 105mm M68 armed vehicle Light Tank Prototype
M8 Greyhound None 37mm armed 6x6 armored car Light Armored Car Production
M8E1 Greyhound None M8 Greyhound with new suspension Light Armored Car Prototype
M8 Scott T47 (prototype designation) Howitzer Motor Carriage on M5 chassis 1942 Howitzer Motor Carriage Production
M8A1 None Gun Motor Carriage on M5A1 chassis Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
M9 T40 (Prototype Designation) Gun Motor Carriage on M3 chassis Tank Destroyer Production
M10 TD Gun Motor Carriage on M4 chassis Tank Destroyer Production
M12 None 155mm Self Propelled Gun based on M3 Chassis 1942 Self Propelled Gun Production
M18 Hellcat T70(Prototype Designation) Fast Lightly Armored Gun Motor Cariage Tank Destroyer Production
M20 Utility Car None Utility Car based on M8 Greyhound Utility Car Production
M22 Locust Locust I 37mm Armed Airborne Tank Light Tank Production
M24 Chaffee T24 (prototype designation) 75mm armed replace for Stuart tanks 1944 Light Tank Production
M27 T23E3 Suggested Replacement for Sherman Tank Medium Tank Prototype
M27B1 T20E3 Suggested Replacement for Sherman Tank Medium Tank Prototype
M29 Weasel None Cargo carrier Cargo carrier Production
M30 None Cargo carrier for M12 using same chassis Cargo carrier Production
M31 T2 (prototype desigation) Grant ARV I Armored Recovery Vehicle based on M3 Chassis Armored Recovery Vehicle Production
M31B1 None Armored Recovery Vehicle based on M3A3 Chassis Armored Recovery Vehicle Production
M31B2 None Armored Recovery Vehicle based on M3A5 Chassis Armored Recovery Vehicle Production
M32 None Armored Recovery Vehicle based on M4 Armored Recovery Vehicle Production
M33 None Artillery tractor based on M31 Artillery tractor Production
M38 Wolfhound None 37mm armed 6x6 armored car Light Armored Car Prototype
M41 Walker Bulldog None 76mm M32 armed light tank Light Tank Production
M41A1 Walker Bulldog None 76mm M32A1 armed light tank Light Tank Production
M41A2 Walker Bulldog None M41A1 simplified and with fuel injection Light Tank Production
M41A3 Walker Bulldog None M41 with infrared equipment and fuel injection Light Tank Production
M48 Chaparral None Mim-Mauler launcher Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Production
M50 Ontos None 106mm muiltiple SPAT Tank destroyer Production
M50A1 Ontos None 106mm muiltiple SPAT Tank destroyer Production
M56 Scorpion T101(Prototype designation) 90mm Lightweight SPAT Tank destroyer Production
M107 T235 (Prototype Designation) 175mm Armed SPG Self Propelled Gun Production
M109 None 155mm armed SPG 1963 Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A1 None M109 with longer barrel Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A2 None Improved M109 Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A3 None M109A1 rebuilt to M109A2 standard Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A4 None M109A3 and M109A2 with NBC protection Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A5 None M109 with a new cannon and increased range Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A6 Paladin None Overall Improvement Self Propelled Gun Production
M109A7 None Newest Improved Version of M109 Self Propelled Gun Production
M110 T236 (Prototype Designation) 203mm Armed SPG 1961 Self Propelled Gun Production
M247 Sergeant York None Cancelled due to problems engaging aircraft Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Prodtotype
M548 None 6-ton cargo carrier based on M113 Cargo Carrier Production
M551 Sheridan XM551 (prototype designation) 152mm armed airborne amphibious light tank Light Tank Production
M730 None Anti Aircraft armed with MIM Mauler missiles based on M548 Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Production
M730A1 None M730 with M113A2 improvements Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Production
M730A2 None M730 with M113A3 improvements Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Production
M741 None Carrier vehicle for M163 VADS Carrier Vehicle Production
M1917 6-Ton License Produced Renault FT 1918 Light Tank
M1917A1 6-Ton Modification of M1917 1930s Light Tank Production
M1918 Ford 3-Ton MG Armed Tank 1918 Light Tank Production
M1922 Slo-Poke Mark X Self Propelled Gun 1922 Self Propelled Gun Prototype
M1928 None First tank with christie suspension 1928 Light Tank Prototype
M1931 None M1928 with a turret 1931 Light Tank Production
R32 None 90mm armed nuclear propelled heavy tank 1955 Heavy Tank Paper
T1 None 76mm armed heavy tank 1940 Heavy Tank Prototype
T1E1 None 76mm or 90mm armed heavy tank 1940 Heavy Tank Prototype
T1E2 M6 (standardized designation) 76mm armed heavy tank 1941 Heavy Tank Prototype
T1E3 M6A1 (standardized designation) 76mm armed heavy tank 1941 Heavy Tank Prototype
T1E4 None 76mm armed heavy tank 1942 Heavy Tank Prototype
T2 M31(standardized designation) Armored Recovery Vehicle based on M3 Chassis Armored Recovery Vehicle Prototype
T8 None Twin .50 Cal armed tank Light Tank Prototype
T8E1 None Twin .50 Cal armed tank on M5A1 chassis Light Tank Prototype
T14 None Assault tank reminiscent of a Sherman Heavy Tank Prototype
T20E3 M27B1 Proposed replacement for Sherman Medium Tank Prototype
T21 None Light tank version of T20 Light Tank Paper
T23E3 M27 Proposed replacement for Sherman Medium Tank Prototype
T24 M24 Chaffee (standardized designation) 75mm armed replace for Stuart tanks 1943 Light Tank Prototype
T24E1 None 75mm armed Improved T24 1944 Light Tank Prototype
T25 None 90mm armed evolution of T23 and predecessor to T26 Medium Tank Prototype
T25E1 None 90mm armed T25 with new suspension, a 105mm gun was proposed Medium Tank Prototype
T28 T95(GMC) 105mm Armed American turretless heavy tank Heavy Tank Prototype
T29 None 105mm Armed American heavy tank Heavy Tank Prototype
T30 None 155mm Armed American heavy tank, development of T29 Heavy Tank Prototype
T31 None Demolition tank based on M4 chassis Demolition Tank Prototype
T32 None 90mm Armed heavy tank development of Pershing Heavy Tank Prototype
T34 None 120mm Armed T30 Heavy Tank Prototype
T35 None Precursor to T35E1 and M10 Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T35E1 None Direct Precursor to M10 Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T40 M9 (Standardized Designation) Gun Motor Carriage on M3 chassis Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T42 None Precursor to T49 Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T42 None Direct Precursor to M47 Patton Medium Tank Paper
T47 M8 Scott (standardized designation) 75mm Armed HMC 1942 Howitzer Motor Carriage Prototype
T49 None Development of T42, precursor to T67 Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T57 None 120mm armed heavy tank with oscillating turret on M103 Chassis Heavy Tank Prototype
T58 None 155mm armed heavy tank with oscillating turret on M103 Chassis Heavy Tank Prototype
T67 None Development of T49, precursor to T70 Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T69 None 90mm armed medium tank with oscillating turret on T42 chassis 1951 Medium Tank Prototype
T70 M18 Hellcat(standardized designation) Development of T67 Gun Motor Carriage Prototype
T77 None 120mm armed medium tank with oscillating turret from T57 on M48 chassis Medium Tank Prototype
T90 None 155mm mortar armed turreted Sherman Self Propelled Mortar Carriage Paper
T95 None 105mm armed turretless gun motor carriage Tank Destroyer Prototype
T101 M56 Scorpion (standardized designation) 90mm Armed SPAT Tank Destroyer Prototype
T110 Concept 1 None 120mm Armed turretless heavy tank Heavy Tank Paper
T110 Concept 2 None 120mm Armed turretless heavy tank Heavy Tank Paper
T110 Concept 3 None 120mm Armed turretless heavy tank Heavy Tank Paper
T110 Concept 4 None 120mm Armed turretless heavy tank Heavy Tank Paper
T110 concept 5 None 120mm Armed turretless heavy tank Heavy Tank Paper
T110 concept 6 None 120mm Armed turreted heavy tank Heavy Tank Paper
T235 M107 (Standardized Designation) 175mm Armed SPG Self Propelled Gun Prototype
T236 M110 (Prototype Designation) 203mm Armed SPG 1959 Self Propelled Gun Prototype
T249 Vigilante None Anti-aircraft vehicle on M113 chassis and gatling gun Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Prototype
XM1 XM815 105mm Armed Abrams prototype Main Battle Tank Prototype
XM2 None development of XM723 Infantry Fighting Vehicle Prototype
XM3 None development of XM723 Calvary Fighting Vehicle Prototype
XM4 None predecessor to the XM8 Light Tank Prototype
XM5 None Electronic Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier Command Tank Prototype
XM8 None direct prototype to the M8 Armored Gun System Light Tank Prototype
XM45 None Service vehicle for the M132 based on M548 Service vehicle Prototype
XM45E1 None Service vehicle for the M132 based on M548 Service vehicle Prototype
XM60 None M60 prototype Main Battle Tank Prototype
XM246 None Prototype SPAAG Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Prototype
XM247 None Prototype of the M247 Sergeant York Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Prototype
XM548 None 6-ton cargo carrier based on M113 Cargo Carrier Prototype
XM548E1 None Anti Aircraft armed with MIM Mauler missiles based on M548, later became XM730 Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Prototype
XM551 None Sheridan prototype Light Tank Prototype
XM696 None Recovery vehicle variant of M113 Armored Recovery Vehicle Prototype
XM701 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle APC Prototype Armored Personnel Carrier Prototype
XM723 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle APC Prototype Armored Personnel Carrier Prototype
XM730 None Anti Aircraft armed with MIM Mauler missiles based on M548 Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Prototype
XM741 None Carrier vehicle for M163 VADS Carrier Vehicle Prototype
XM765 Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle APC Prototype Infantry Fighting Vehicle Prototype
XM800T Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle Tracked Version of Scout Vehicle Scout Vehicle Prototype
XM800W Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle Wheeled Version of Scout Vehicle Scout Vehicle Prototype
XM801 None MBT-70 development Main Battle Tank Prototype
XM803 None MBT-70 development Main Battle Tank Prototype
XM806 None Recovery vehicle variant of M113 Armored Recovery Vehicle Prototype
XM806E1 None Recovery vehicle variant of M113 Armored Recovery Vehicle Prototype
XM808 Twister None Prototype
XM815 XM1 105mm Armed Abrams prototype Main Battle Tank Prototype
XM1108 None Universal carrier with 6 road wheels Universal Carrier Prototype
XM1201 Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle Light Tank Light Tank Prototype
XM1202 Mounted Combat Vehicle Replacement for the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank Prototype
XM1203 Non-Light-of-Sight Cannon More Precise Artillery Gun Self Propelled Gun Prototype
XM1204 Non-Line-of-Sight Mortar More Precise Mortar Self Propelled Mortar Prototype
XM1205 Field Recovery and Maintenance Vehicle Crewed Repair Vehicle Armored Recovery Vehicle Prototype
XM1206 Infantry Carrier Vehicle 30mm Armed APC Armored Personnel Carrier Prototype
XM1207 Medical Vehicle Evacuation Medical Vehicle Armored Ambulance Prototype
XM1208 Medical Vehicle Treatment Medical Vehicle Armored Ambulance Prototype
XM1209 Command and Control Vehicle Command Vehicle Command Tank Prototype
XM2001 Crusader None Intended replacement for M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Howitzer Prototype

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